aba2abaNov 17, 2021Progress!Here's an update on progress! Exciting for us - but maybe not as exciting for everyone else. You judge! Our To-Do list from the previous...
aba2abaNov 11, 2021Eureka?!Well, after many tutorials, menu searching, and button clicking - we might have fixed the subscriber issue. Let's find out! Did you get...
aba2abaNov 9, 2021Button, button, who has the button?Quick post to test the functionality of the forms. Chris added a donation page, but when visitors have clicked the donate button they...
aba2abaNov 4, 2021~Fancy~Update number two of aba2aba's overhaul. I've made some fancy cover pages for the products. All of the product's cover pictures were not...
aba2abaNov 2, 2021Oh my, what an overhaul.Well, it's been quite a time since the last blog post, and even longer since a new product has been added. Between then and now I've had...