Happy end of school, everyone! We hope you all made it through the last few weeks of school, put some beautiful signatures on some IEPs, and gathered as many CEUs from ABAI as you could manage! A few members of our team were able to attend ABAI and we had an absolute blast in Denver.
Our team also got the adapted AFLS Home Skills tracking sheets completed! The individual sections and the Home Skills bundle are both available in the store now. We've already begun work on the Community Participation sheets, and hopefully those will be available in the next couple of weeks. :)
Chris has been working hard on some OBM related tasks, and may have some OBM materials to share with the site in the future. Once we finish dragging our feet through the endless sludge of the AFLS assessment, what other products do you think we should consider adding to the site?
-The aba2aba team