Here's an update on progress! Exciting for us - but maybe not as exciting for everyone else. You judge!
Our To-Do list from the previous post, that seemed so short and simple, seems to be growing exponentially - as all to-do lists are prone to do.
We've *takes a big breath* made design fixes, changed the colors of ALL the buttons (that we know of...), fixed some bugs, made major layout changes, fixed the search bar, found a way to have customizable donation "sizes," and started to add products.
We know the "hot item" everyone is looking for are the AFLS tracking sheets... but Chris is engaging in escape maintained behaviors regarding that task. Tsk tsk. The team is working on setting up an MO and a plan for reinforcement - hint: it likely involves chocolate.
We'll all be offline next week due to Turkey Day, but we'll try to get some more done this week. Maybe Chris will even get to work on the tracking sheets. There's unlikely to be another blog update until after the holiday, so enjoy your time off work, time with your friends and/or family and/or peaceful silence, and try not to overeat too much! Gobble Gobble!